No 31, Southend House.

Tithe Map Plot No 281.

A Grade 2 Listed Building.
C18. Large stuccoed house, at right angles to road. Slate hipped roof. Heavy modillioned cornice. 3 storeys. 3 windows. Sashes with glazing bars, the outer ones with 3 lights. 2nd floor central casement. Porch with heavy dentilled frieze, cornice and reeded columns.

A property much favoured by solicitors.
Lived in by Edward Hankins, a solicitor, before 1836, he must have moved out shortly before the 1841 census as another solicitor, Mr Thomas Jones' first son was born there in July 1841.
Thomas Jones sells all his furniture on the premises in November 1848 and the house by auction in June 1849.
Described, in the auction notice, as including a large and productive garden, greenhouse and convenient outbuildings, it included all those newly erected Offices, Coach house, Stabling, Piggeries, Yard and premises lying to the west ie running down South Parade.

These ‘ newly erected buildings’ can be seen on this map of 1886 and survive today pretty much as they are shown.

Map of 1886
Bought by Charles Taylor, an Attorney, who is listed there in 1851. He doesn't stay there long as by May 1852 he is selling up his furniture and leaving the district.

Bought by Vaughan Barber, yet another solicitor, in 1853 he is in residence in 1861. Visiting Cheltenham in 1871, he offers all the furniture in Southend House for sale in March 1877. He died in 1879 and in 1882 his wife, Alice, brought a complaint against Eliza Raymond In respect of dilapidations and waste committed by the defendant upon the premises of the plaintiff called Southend House.
In August 1884 the Worcester Journal records that Messrs. H. J. Smith Bros. of Southend House Ledbury, wine and spirit merchants applied for a removal of their licence from Southend House to No 10 High Street, which was granted. The Smith Bros went bankrupt in March 1885, at the hearing he stated he bought Southend House for £ 750 and sold it in July 1884 for £ 900.
Bought by James Manning it was up for sale again in March 1894 probably bought by George Lomas auctioneer.
William Hartland, retired farmer, is here from 1905 until his death in 1916.
The Worcestershire Chronicle records that William Manton, owner of the Feathers for sixteen years went to Southend House shortly before he died in November 1902.
A Children's home from 1921 to 1935, later occupants can be found in the Tilley's section below but note Tilley's is not available during the WW1 years.

From Tithe Map Owned by John Hollings. Occupied by Edward Hankins.

1841     Unoccupied.

1851     Charles Taylor .

1861     Vaughan Barber 42 Solicitor.

1871     Elizabeth Crump 22 cook. On her own, keeping house for Vaughan Barber.

1881     Eliza Raymond 52. Income from Dividends.

1891     James P Manning 35 Seed Merchant.

1901     George Lomas 25 Auctioneer.

From 1910 Survey   Occupier Wm Hartland. Owner Frank Hartland Longford Court Gloucester.

1911     William Hartland 84 Farmer.

Ex Tilleys.

1903     Lomas G Auctioneer.

1905     Hartland W.

1921     Children's Home.

1936     Unoccupied.

1938     Davies Miss.

1941     Hayward J.

1944     G.A.C.

1947     Vernon-Lloyd T. and Dovey C.

1948     Dovey C.

1951     Vernon-Lloyd J.

1971     Lunn R.

1995     Lunn E.

1999     Lunn E.

2002     Not recorded.

More Info


Thomas Jones a solicitor, who lived there between 1842 and 1849, was born in Swindon in 1805. He married Ann Derry in Castle Froome in 1835, he is described as ‘from Ledbury’ at that time.
They had Francis in 1841 and Thomas in 1843 and are in Cheltenham in 1851


Charles Taylor was born in Bromyard in 1813. In Bromyard as a solicitor when he married Marianne Upfill of Winslow near Bromyard in June 1850.
In Bromyard in 1861 with no children.


Vaughan Barber was born in Walsall in 1813. He married Alice Halford in Otley(Yorks) in 1847.

They had a daughter, Alice Mary in 1852 in the Homend and a son, Halford Vaughan in Southend House in 1853. Listed as owner of Southend House on the 1873 Electoral Register, he died in Thanet, Kent, in 1879.


James William Phillips born 1851 in Talgarth married Emily Marion Grubb born 1858 from Kempley in Newent in 1878 his address given as Ledbury. He is here with Martha Williams, 16, from Ledbury as a servant.
James and Emily had a son John Reginald baptised in Kempley on Dec 12th 1880.
Official duties probably took the family to Dudley by late 1881 where they had more children.


James Parker Manning, seed merchant, born in Eastnor in 1856 married Elizabeth Pamela Andrews from Derby in 1883 in Derby.
In Southend House from 1885 to 1892 they had Ann Lillie in 1883 in Hereford , then, all in Southend House Ledbury, John Andrews in 1885, Mary Victoria in 1887, James in 1889, Zebedee Parker in 1890 and Violet May in 1892. Later registrations show Mabel in 1894 born in Munsley and Jessie Maud in 1899 in Bosbury where they all are in Stanley House in 1901.
Elizabeth died in Hereford (District) in 1928 and James died in Ledbury (District) in 1929.


In 1897 Robert Lomas, Auctioneer etc. Lomas is shown on the Electoral Register in Southend House with his son George in New Street.

George Lomas b 1878 was the only son of Robert Lomas (1843-1917). He married Mary Gillett Lane in Bosbury in June 1900.
His father presumably moved out leaving his son, new wife and servant to enjoy the house. Sadly this idyll was broken when Mary gave birth to a daughter, Mary Ann, in 1904 and both mother and baby died.

George married again in Jan 1906 in Ledbury to Mary Eleanor Howard after which he disappears!

William Hartland (1827-1916) a widower is living with his daughter Emily Elizabeth (1855-1917).
The Hartlands were farmers in Preston Court from the 1830's through to at least 1817. William was the fourth son of William Hartland (1790-1866), he married Anne Morris of Bushley Worcestershire in 1852.
Succeeding his father at Preston Court they had Emily Elizabeth in 1855, Frank Arthur in 1857, Kate in 1860 (living with them as daughter but mother's maiden name given as Bisco) James Edgar in 1862, Mabel Annie in 1867 and John Cadle in 1870.

He died in Southend House on December 16th 1916. Sadly his daughter Emily, also of Southend House according to her will, died at Preston Court on March 22nd 1917.

William's son Frank Arthur (1857- 1927) was the owner of Southend House in 1910.
He married Rose Marion Cadle in 1885 in Preston. Moving from Preston to Longford Court near Gloucester in about 1900 he died there in 1927.